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An Easy Checklist to Help You Hire the Right Copywriter for Your Business Every Time
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Frank Kern
Direct Response Marketer
"Brian has forgotten more about marketing and sales than most newcomers will ever discover."
The seven traits every copywriter needs before they ever write a word for you.
The one trait to avoid at all costs. If you spot it, it’s best to move on.
How to find the writers that others are overlooking
The one thing that is more important than money to a good copywriter.
Hi, this is Brian Kurtz
and I’ve hired over 200 copywriters during my 40+ year career.
Some were “out of this world” incredible - Gene Schwartz and Gary Bencivenga for example.
And others?
Well, we can’t win them all you know?
But look, I never blame the writer.
After all, I’m the one who hired them!
So I’ve taken all my lessons from 40 years hiring copywriters and distilled them into this FOUR page checklist for you.
If you are in the practice of hiring copywriters for your business…
...or if you will be soon, this short four page checklist will help you find the perfect copywriter for your business every time.
Dan Kennedy
Author of 23 books including the popular NO BS series
"Ogilvy was right when he ranted to his own agency's staff that only the mail-order people knew what the hell they were doing, and were Ogilvy alive, he would applaud Brian's work."
John Carlton
A-List Copywriter
"There’s a very small group of true direct response wizards out there and Brian is one of the guys who can change your career and business in a heartbeat with just a casually tossed off piece of advice."
Kim Krause-Schwalm
A-List Copywriter
"I can’t think of a single direct response marketing mind that’s more respected in our industry than Brian Kurtz. Brian is one of the smartest and most generous and giving people I’ve met in my 30+ year direct response marketing career."
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