From the desk of Brian Kurtz
“At Last There’s a Way to Give Your Business the Expert Help and Star Power Connections It Deserves at a Price You Can Afford…”
“If you have any opportunity to work with Brian, at any level, DO IT. Jump in full speed ahead. You need to be part of his world. The people you'll meet, just all the positive energy that starts to flow once you say yes and get involved in this, it will transform your business and will transform your life.”
- Jason Friedman - CX Formula, Ramsey, NJ
Dear Future Titan,
No one ever said running your own business was easy.
You knew there’d be challenges – marketing, sales, crafting just the right offer, delivering on that promise, all that and more.
No surprises there. All part of the game. All baked into the cake.
But here’s what you didn’t expect…
Just how ALONE you’d feel.
Day in, day out you’re in your office, at your desk, with pressures on all sides, wondering who to ask things like "is this offer good enough?" “is this headline any good?” or "am I going after the right market?" - that kind of thing.
Look, “figuring it out” by yourself is the slow, painful way to build a business. For every step forward, it’s a slog to make sure you don’t fall two steps back.
But deep down, you know the solution to achieving more with your business. And it’s not due to lack of dedication or willingness to go the extra mile.
The struggles you have are because you don’t have access to the true “problem solvers.”
You know who I’m talking about.
They’re the kind of people with the expertise, experience, and knowledge you need in your corner helping you avoid unforeseen landmines.
The challenge is that these people are EXTREMELY hard to find.
And if you do find them...they’re probably not going to be interested in helping you for less than five figures per month or by joining one of their $25,000+/Year Mastermind groups.
(Sorry - just being honest.)
So what then do you do?
Well, if you’re like most entrepreneurs, you keep plugging away for years and years trying to build your business.
And one day you wake up to discover that you’ve either learned from the hundreds of missteps you’ve taken... or you end up barely getting by… or maybe even abandoning ship on your dream and going to work for someone else to build THEIR business…
Who knows?
But this is the way business is and has been for centuries.
Now there ARE two steps that consistently produce
a successful business...
That’s the formula.
Is it easy? No way!
But does it work? 100%...
And it’s exactly why you see person after person pay $25,000 (and up) to join those private mastermind groups.
Because a mastermind group – led by a legitimate expert and LOADED with star-power entrepreneurs willing, even eager to help – is the fastest and easiest way to get access to the people who can help you grow your business.
Now…here’s an honest question for you.
What if there was a way you could experience the life changing transformations that happen in those expensive mastermind groups, WITHOUT having to pony up all that cash…
Would you be interested?
You’d get access to the best teachers, the latest 7 figure marketing campaigns, A-level copywriters, and a world class community of entrepreneurs who genuinely want to help you.
Life changing right?
There’s a reason those types of groups are so expensive. They really work and the return on investment can be huge if you stick with it (and you join the right one - more on that in a moment).
Right now, this is all about you ===> the entrepreneur who knows you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.
You’re someone who knows if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room!
That’s exactly why I’m so excited you’re reading this right now...

My name is Brian Kurtz, Former Executive Vice President of Boardroom Inc. and Founder of Titans Marketing - a direct marketing education company.
For nearly 40 years, I’ve been fortunate to know and work with some of the greatest direct response marketers who ever lived.
And I know what it's like to have that level of excitement about your business, to put in the blood, sweat and tears to bring promotions, campaigns, and offers to life… but then find out that customers just aren't interested.
Hey, it comes with the territory when you practice direct marketing for any period of time. And in my case? That’s a WHOLE lot of promotions, campaigns, and offers spread over 40 years.
(Mind you, NOT one year's experience 40 times - that's an important distinction to make.)
But Here’s 40 Years of My Direct Marketing Lessons in One Sentence:
As Executive Vice President at Boardroom Inc, I watched it grow
from around $3 million in revenues in 1981 to a high of
$150 million in the mid 2000’s.
Those years at Boardroom were quite the ride.
I had the freedom to think of new ideas daily with phenomenal resources at my fingertips: the best copywriters, consultants, database experts, list mavens, numbers gurus, 20,000+ articles and pieces of world class content.
What a playground for anyone who loves Marketing!
Boardroom was like the best amusement park ever for serial direct marketers - with a database of customers and former customers that fluctuated between 5 and 10 million names.
And over my career I’ve overseen the mailing of approximately 1.3 billion pieces of direct mail!
(Think it taught me a few lessons? You bet. What worked. What didn’t. What to test next.)
I am one of only a handful of people who has had the privilege of working directly with the best copywriters and direct marketers of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s...and beyond.
We’re talking LEGENDS like Gene Schwartz, Gary Halbert, Clayton Makepeace, Dan Kennedy and literally dozens of other marketing giants, direct response TITANS, just to name a few.
That experience was priceless… and impossible to duplicate anymore, because sadly many of these original Titans are no longer with us to share what they know.
And I’ve got file cabinets (some of it is digital too!) full of notes, ideas, and successful projects we worked on together— and it’s all stuff that I’m now eager to share with you.
Because you see, after I left Boardroom, I had a choice.
Everyone I know in this business—from Titans like Dan Kennedy and Gary Bencivenga to the marketers, copywriters and business owners who are stepping forward to lead today—has learned from others.
They all discovered tremendous amounts of “do this, not that” wisdom by sitting at the feet of their own teachers and soaking up every bit of marketing know-how they could.
Then, they took that know-how and applied it to their own unique businesses and for their clients to "overdeliver" amazing results.
It was only because they were building on the expertise of those who came before them that they were able to ascend to even greater heights.
So in case you’re wondering…
I chose NOT to retire, accepting the challenge of passing on this legacy of marketing excellence to a new generation of marketing legends.

“Brian Kurtz knows real marketing better than anyone.”
- Ryan Deiss, Digital Marketer

“Brian Kurtz is a living legend.”
- Ryan Levesque, The ASK Method

“Brian has forgotten more about marketing and sales than most newcomers will ever discover.”
- Frank Kern, Marketing Expert
Sharing the wealth of knowledge and experience I’ve gathered means much more to me than merely finding something to do to keep busy.
It’s become a mission – because after 40 years of success and happiness as a direct response marketer, I’ve learned a critical lesson vital for every business owner to embrace:
You Must Have the Mindset of a Student
I still consider myself a lifelong student of direct marketing. You simply HAVE to. (You and I BOTH forget this at our own peril.)
But here's another secret...and perhaps the most rewarding one of all...
As you learn and move forward, you also get to look back and help others in their journey.
As the great Jay Abraham says: "If you did it you have an obligation to teach it."
That’s why, in 2014, I invited 15 of the most accomplished marketers in my network to share what they know at a one-time only event entitled The Titans of Direct Response…
It was amazing. Dan Kennedy called it the “event of the decade.” In my four decades of experience in direct response — as an avid learner and seminar-goer — I've never seen a lineup of legends like that. And I don't really expect to see another like it again. It was an incredible honor and a truly magical moment that I didn’t want to see end once the lights went out and everyone returned home.
So shortly after that, I launched my private Titans Mastermind group… which costs $25,000 a year to attend. (We are currently maxed out at 30 companies.) It gives me a chance to interact with some amazing people several times a year.
But I wanted to do even more.
So I published my book, Overdeliver, which outlines the principles I’ve used to create successful marketing campaigns over the past 4 decades. I put my soul into that book and I’m humbled and grateful for the success it’s had in helping others.
But honestly, I still felt like I could do more…
After all, I have stood on the shoulders of giants and want to help others do it too.
Specifically, I wanted to help even more business owners, copywriters, and direct marketers create their own successful products, build growing businesses, and connect with a network of fellow entrepreneurs to cheer each other on.
Because going it alone as an entrepreneur just doesn’t cut it – especially if there’s a better way.
“At your house in front of your keyboard, you are not going to get the type of opportunities that you're going to get here in the Titans family. Brian knows everybody and getting into Brian's network, having him know about you, what your strengths are, and helping connect you with the right people, is an unbelievable opportunity. If you have an invitation
- you take full advantage of it and join today.”
Robert Skrob - Retention Expert, Tallahassee, FL
And there IS a better way.
Instead of working as a “lone wolf” hunting for something to grow your business…
Imagine waking up every day, heading into the office, and knowing in the back of your mind that your business has a secret weapon.
This secret weapon gets you out of the “hacking” and “copycat” game so many others seem forced to play.
It even changes your language, because you now realize it’s not about “funnels” or “ninja” anything. (Those are just distracting buzzwords, not a true business advantage.)
Finally, you now have something and SOMEONE who can help you see three and four moves ahead.

Introducing Titans Xcelerator
The Mastermind and Coaching Program for the Next Generation of Direct Response Marketers
Titans Xcelerator is the group I created for the next generation of direct response marketers – people like you who are looking to break free from the pack by leveraging “best-of-the-best” insights, strategies, and feedback.
To be sure, shortcuts to success don't exist.
But this comes pretty darn close.
Right now I invest over $100,000 of my own money every year to be in groups where entrepreneurs share freely the latest and greatest marketing ideas that are actually working.
I’ve seen how these kinds of ideas made response rates TRIPLE when my friends Gene Schwartz, Jim Rutz or Gary Bencivenga added their magic.
And I figured out that creating Titans Xcelerator gave me the most efficient way to share these closely guarded secrets at a price anyone can afford.
So What is Titans Xcelerator?
Titans Xcelerator isn’t Like ANY Other Mastermind, Course, or Program You’ve Probably Ever Heard Of…
In fact, if you’re looking for an “ordinary” mastermind that charges tens of thousands of dollars or more a year for a few calls and an in-person meet-up that’s more vacation than business… you can stop reading right now.
Because Titans Xcelerator isn’t anything like a “typical” mastermind group. Sure, it includes lots of resources, calls, mentorship, and ideas to try. But the thing that makes Titans Xcelerator different is the caliber of people in the group.
Being a member is like having a "Board of Advisors" made up of 250 of the most giving and heart centered marketers and copywriters on the planet...and tapping into the group's wisdom on an "as needed basis" is worth it no matter what.
Kind of like a marketing insurance policy.
“I have now done four different joint ventures with people that I've met
in the last six months in Brian's mastermind that have generated
tens of thousands of dollars of cash and well over $100,000 in sales.”
Tom Matzen - Entrepreneur Empowerment Institute, Vancouver, BC
“If you want to be part of something really special, and a community
that will blow your mind and absolutely give you value every single time,
then you want to be here part of the Titans group. I promise you, you will love it.”
Lee Richter - Richter Communications, San Francisco, CA
“He's kind of an amazing and one-of-a-kind guy who has spent decades
and decades, not only studying and learning, but also building relationships
with the most important people in our industry. They love him quite frankly,
we all love him, and he's incredibly savvy and shrewd, and so good
at kind of taking that information, integrating it and being able
to put it back to you in a simple yet very profound way.”
Richard Rossi - The National Academy, Washington, D.C.
“I highly recommend Brian Kurtz. I've known him for years,
and I wanted to be in his group as soon as I found out he started it.”
David Long – MyEmployees, Wilmington, NC
“I've been a member of Titans ever since the very start, the inception.
A lot of people asked me like why do you keep signing up?
I cannot afford to NOT come here.”
Lori Haller - Direct Response Design Expert, Richmond, VA
Here’s EVERYTHING Included with Your Titans Xcelerator Membership
In a nutshell, it’s a more affordable alternative to my higher ticket, premium-level Mastermind groups but still with similar training and education. First off…
8 Calls Per Quarter (roughly 2X a month).
Honestly, I originally planned on only doing one live call per month, but I discovered that I just love doing them. So I’ve committed to providing 8 calls a quarter, which typically works out to 2 calls a month.
Each call is LIVE and in case you can’t hop on, or have to leave early, we record every one so you won’t miss out. The calls are scheduled for two hours each, but I like to kick them off 30 minutes early with something I call “Koffee With Kurtz”… where you get to hang with a bunch of other over-deliverers who can’t wait to start their day helping each other and you.

So what do we talk about for those 30 minutes before the “real” call starts?
Everything and anything.
Got questions? Ask away.
Share your wins. Dreams. Challenges.
Need help with a letter? A web guy you can trust? Advice on a list broker? Want a quick round-table on a new product idea or slam-dunk offer you’re getting ready to market?
We have your back.
Basically, if you need help (and you’re happy to give it as well), you’ve come to the right Zoom screen.
Before you know it, 30 minutes or so has passed, your coffee cup’s half-full (I’m not a half-empty kind of guy, no way), and we’re off and running for our regular framework for calls.
Now every call’s different, but here’s what you can expect:
That’s a high-level view of what you can expect 2 times a month. And I’m committed to at least 2 hours for every call…longer if needed… so make sure you come prepared with plenty of Joe.
And we’re not done, because as an Xcelerator, you’ll also receive…
A FREE Ticket to the Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamps
Every year, my marketing partner Chris Mason and I run a LIVE virtual workshop called The Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamp.
If you're not familiar, Breakthrough Advertising is widely considered to be the Bible of direct response marketing.

It's something every marketer should study on a regular basis.
During the bootcamp you'll work directly with me and Chris to help you embed the concepts from Breakthrough Advertising into your marketing campaigns and overall business.
Typically we host two of these bootcamps every year and sell tickets for $197.
But you can attend both bootcamps as part of your membership and you get the recordings!
Here's What Past Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamp Students Have Said

RüdigeR Hausmann // Bootcamp Student
The bootcamp really pinpoints (some of) the basic ideas of BA. The discussions in the second part of the presentations were the real gem and included real learning of sophisticated stuff.
The insight given to each attendend just leaves you speechless. One would be crazy not to attend…

Shawn cartwright // Bootcamp Student
You'll get an inside look at how legendary copywriter Gene Schwartz crafted his money making ads in the Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamp. Brian Kurtz, a personal friend and collaborator of Gene's, and Chris Mason, a master marketing instructor, show you exactly how to match your product to your markets desire. What i appreciated most is the direct feedback and Q&A from these top marketers.

Drew Stallcop // Bootcamp Student
As a student of copywriting, I can't recommend the Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamp enough. If you've read Breakthrough Advertising, you know the depth of Eugene Schwartz's brilliance. But have you implemented what you learned from the book? The Bootcamp assignments give you practical experience implementing the ideas. (Don't get intimidated, the assignments are short and sweet.) If you haven't read Breakthrough Advertising... The Bootcamp takes you on a journey. Discover why A-list copywriters say studying the first section of the book is crucial to their success. Eugene Schwartz's book is THAT important. The Bootcamp is the perfect gateway to the mind of a master.

BRYAN CLARK // Bootcamp Student
If you purchased the Breakthrough Advertising book and you can't quite make it past Chapter 5, Chris Mason and Brian Kurtz are here to help you develop a deep understanding of Gene's best marketing concepts, and finally put them into action for your business. Chris shared excellent examples of famous ads, and broke down how to identify and channel your market's desires, so you can create targeted ads and sales copywriting that your audience will respond to. Highly recommend taking BA Bootcamp! Beyond the course lessons, Chris and Brian truly Overdeliver!

SIMON STRIKER // Bootcamp Student
Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamp is one of the best investments I made in my life. It came at the right time when I just started to study the Breakthrough Advertising book.On every call, Chris and Brian explained the content from the book, so we really understood the topic. After each call there is an assignment, so you can immediately implement the topic on your business. And if you have some doubts about the topic, you can always ask Chris and Brian either in the private FB group or on the next call. Besides, you get the possibility to be on a hot seat (which I would rather call an "amazing seat"), where every Bootcamp attendee gets the possibility to explain his problem and gets tons of valuable and immediately actionable advice from Chris, Brian and other marketing experts. You only need to apply and show up.And last but not least, on every call, Chris and Brian provide tons of additional knowledge, insights and valuable experiences on the topic.I can't recommend enough investing in BA Bootcamp. If you know Eugene's BA book, investing in BA Bootcamp is the next logical thing you need to invest in.
Private Xcelerator Facebook Group
Remember how tough it can be to go it alone? No one understands the "Loneliness" factor of the entrepreneur like another.
Relationships are everything in business—I believe that there is “compound interest in your relationship capital.”

That’s why you'll have private access to members and special guests inside the Titans Xcelerator Facebook group.
This is an AMAZING group, where members apparently cannot wait to support one another. (Totally unlike some groups which exist as something merely tossed in and mostly ignored by everyone involved.)
Inside the Titans Xcelerator group You’ll be showing up regularly to ask questions, get feedback, find your next JV partner, copywriter or client. There will even be a few surprise members inside who will be around to help you.

A FREE Ticket to the
Overdeliver Bootcamp
This bootcamp is especially meaningful to me.
In Overdeliver, I documented my most important lessons from a 40 year career building Boardroom into a $150M/yr business.
I cut my teeth in the heyday of direct mail publishing where if you wanted to build a list and ultimately a business, you had to pay postage.
There were really no other options.
And while you have many more options today when it comes to building your list and promoting your offers...
...it's to your great benefit to learn what it took to be successful in the glory days of direct mail marketing.
In the Overdeliver Bootcamp I walk you through how we researched a market, how we created irresistible offers and how ran tests before going all in on a new marketing package.
These are timeless principles you should be using in your business today.
And I show you how to apply each one during this bootcamp.
Anyone can attend for just $197.
But members of Titans Xcelerator can attend for FREE and receive the recordings lifetime access!
FREE TXL Accountability Pods
TXL Accountability Pods are weekly meetings where TXL members gather to hold each other accountable for reaching their business goals.
The purpose of these Pods is simply to get work done.

Ideas are great.
And we all have a ton of them.
But if they never get implemented, they're not going to help you, your business or your customers.
So our Accountability Pods give you the accountability, encouragement and ideas you need to keep pursuing your goals or course correct if that's what you need.
Each group has no more than six members to keep the group intimate and actionable.
Once you join Xcelerator, all you have to do is let us know you want to join a Pod and we will work with you to find a Pod that works with your schedule. There is no additional cost to join a TXL Accountability Pod.
TXL In Your Pocket
Gone are the days of missing calls or needing to carve out dedicated time in your busy schedule.
Now, you can access all of our powerful, strategy-filled calls directly from your phone through a private podcasting app.
Whether you’re commuting, walking the dog, at the gym, or simply taking a break, TXL In Your Pocket makes it easier than ever to stay engaged and absorb the high-value content from our calls whenever you want.
With this feature, you can seamlessly integrate the insights from Titans Xcelerator into your everyday routine.
Consume our calls when it fits your lifestyle, ensuring you never fall behind and always stay motivated.

FREE Access to the
Profit Partner Consulting Training
This is a one of a kind training that was wildly successful when we first offered it earlier in 2023.
This training is all about how to find and structure profit sharing opportunities with your clients.

And if YOU are the client, this training will show you ways to incentivize the top talent on your team so they stay with you longer.
The Profit Partner Consulting training was developed by Chris Mason who has set up 9 different profit sharing deals with clients since 2015. That includes your's truly.
During the LIVE virtual training, led by Chris, you'll learn:
- The four profit sharing models that work best for Profit Partners
- The five types of offers you can add inside ANY business to generate consistent cash flow for yourself and your client
- The early warning signs that tell you you're trying to partner with the wrong person
- How to find those "right fit" partners for your specific skillset
- How to make it easy for a skeptical client to say “yes” to profit sharing
- How to protect yourself from a client taking advantage of you and MUCH more!
- BONUS: The actual contract Chris uses, drafted by his attorney specifically for these types of deals. You get it for FREE!
Chris hosts these trainings throughout the year.
Others will pay to attend and get the recordings. We charged $197 to attend the training earlier this year, but I think that was probably too low.
Doesn't matter though...because when you join Titans Xcelerator you will be able to attend ANY of the LIVE Profit Partner Consulting trainings for FREE!
And once you join you can also access a recording of this training so you don't have to wait. Just send us an email and it's yours!
50% Off Every Physical Product
Membership has its privileges.
In addition to all the FREE access to the products listed above, you also receive some exclusive discounts on my other products when you join Titans Xcelerator.

As a member in good standing you will receive a 50% discount on any of the following products that I offer:
- Breakthrough Advertising ($125 $62 plus shipping)
- Breakthrough Advertising Mastery ($75 $49 plus shipping)
- The Brilliance Breakthrough ($200 $100)
- The Bill Jayme Collection ($299 $150)
- The Lost Files of Jim Rutz ($299 $150)
- Titans of Direct Response DVDs with digital access and the Mega Dan Kennedy Swipe File ($2,500 $1,000)
Is Titans Xcelerator starting to pay for itself yet?! 😃
Plus… To Make This Even More of No-Brainer, Join Today and Get These 8 Bonuses Completely FREE!
I want Titans Xcelerator to be the easiest decision you make this year.
But I don’t want you to feel like you’re “late to the party” and may have missed out on something incredible. Not my style. That’s why I want to bring you up to speed with what the rest of the group has experienced for the past 12 months.
So I've put together a few "catch up" bonuses so you can hit the ground running.
NOTE: These Catch Up Bonuses Are ONLY Available for a Limited Time…
Watch Kevin Rogers of Copy Chief tell the tale of a thief who “almost” experienced life-changing success with just this ONE bonus alone…
Limited Time Offer for New Members
Enroll today for just $2,000/yr!

Your price is protected forever for as long as you remain a member.
Once you’re in, you're grandfathered in and your rate will never change, even as we continue to increase the value of Xcelerator, over-delivering on more and more. You’ll never will have to pay a penny more – all because you became part of the family!
Prefer a payment plan? Click here.
And if you’re wondering....
"Can Titans Xcelerator
Actually Help ME?"
Let’s find out…
There are three types of people we’ve helped so far in Titans Xcelerator. Do any of these sound like you??
1. Established Entrepreneur:
You Have an Audience and Want to Scale.
If you already have an audience, you already have your most important asset ever: Your LIST (which, remember, are people too...they are your "online family").
If you want to learn how to get more from your existing customers and build a stronger relationship with them, Titans Xcelerator is the perfect place for you.
In the very first package we send you, you’ll listen in on a private session with Dan Kennedy that is all about getting more from your existing list and smart ways to find others who are just like them.
In fact, your next big opportunity could come from someone who’s already in Titans Xcelerator!
Just take a look at what happened for Chris and Tom in the group.

2. Growing Entrepreneur:
You're Not Brand New But
You Need Help Growing.
Maybe you’ve been at this for a while and you're a little stuck.
You know who your audience is, but your offer isn’t converting the way you want.
Or your list isn't growing.
Maybe it's something else.
Whatever...you want to grow faster than you are.
No judgement, that’s a very common place to be...and it’s easily addressed.
Sometimes it just takes punching up your copy.
That’s why, when you join, you’ll immediately gain access to a private interview with Kelly Brown, the Copy Chief at Agora’s Stansberry Research.
In this interview you’ll learn about the filter Stansberry uses to run every piece of copy through to make it as powerful as possible.
Not only that but you also get the same checklist they use. It’s posted inside our private Facebook Group.

Plus, inside Xcelerator you’ll find A-List copywriters and marketers who typically charge tens of thousands of dollars to write a package…
But they are ready to give you real time feedback on your offer just for being in the group.

3. New Entrepreneur:
You're Just Getting Started and
Want Some Help.

If you’re just getting started, Titans Xcelerator can help you build the kind of business you want and avoid the painful mistakes we’ve all made along the way.
The collective wisdom from the group will help you move forward with speed and confidence.
For example, here’s a note from one member who still has a day job, a family and limited time to build a business on the side.

Now, you may be asking…
“Sounds Great Brian,
But What’s The Catch?”
There actually is one, teeny, tiny little catch…
You have to SHOW UP.
If you want to get the most from Titans Xcelerator, you have to show up to calls (or listen to the recordings).
You have to ask for help.
You have to help others because that’s when you can learn the most.
So there is some effort involved. This isn’t “Done for You.” If you’re looking for some kind of EASY BUTTON to instant success, this isn’t it.
But if you’re looking for the right environment where, for the next 12 months, you can surround yourself with the best of best, who’ll support you in your journey to becoming the very best you that you can be, then you’ve found it.

Limited Time Offer for New Members
Enroll today for just $2,000/yr!

Your price is protected forever for as long as you remain a member.
Once you’re in, you're grandfathered in and your rate will never change, even as we continue to increase the value of Xcelerator, over-delivering on more and more. You’ll never will have to pay a penny more – all because you became part of the family!
Prefer a payment plan? Click here.
What Others Are Saying About
Titans Xcelerator…
Titans Xcelerator is the easiest and best way for you to tap into my 40 years of experience.
If you want to build the business and the life of your dreams, you simply need to become part of the Titans family. You won't find a more giving and genuine group.
Here's a small sampling of what others in the Titans family have to say about working with me...
“I knew as soon as Brian first launched Titans Xcelerator that I wanted
to be part of it and that I would get a lot of value out of it. But I'm
really blown away by just how much Brian has over delivered.
It's really surpassed my expectations.”
Candace Lazar – Lazar Marketing, Miami, FL
“When you have A-List marketers and copywriters in the group and
other highly successful entrepreneurs. You really can't put a price
on having that kind of access.”
Eric Butts – CPA, Atlanta, GA
“When you're an entrepreneur, sometimes you can be your own echo chamber, and it's really important to be surrounded by other really smart people doing really amazing things in their businesses, so that you can learn from that and grow from that. And Titans has definitely been that for us.”
Erin Baler - 4Patriots, Nashville, TN
“You need to be a Titan, you need to have a mentor who will care about you
and do whatever he can to support you. So go for it.”
Kira Hug - The Copywriter Club, Washington, D.C.
“I wanted to find someone that wasn't just about the tactical elements of marketing - you know how to buy ads or how to write the copy - but someone
that I could model as an individual, someone who I really respect and wanted to take on certain habits from. And Brian Kurtz was who I discovered.”
Colin Campbell - Formula Publisher, Montreal, Quebec
“It is not only Brian connections, but as that he sets the tone, that if you are part of this group that you are in the circle as Titans, you not only show up, but you give generously. You participate. You put that hand out to someone else who needs it, and that means that hand is going to be out there when you need it.”
Marcella Allison - Agora Copy Trainer, Cincinnati, OH
“All I can say it was the best decision I have ever made.”
Shannon McCaffery - Launch Expert, Redding, CA
“For anyone who's wants to raise their marketing chops, really get up to speed and get grounded in those principles that are going to endure, and keep their game strong over the long run, I'd say Titans is definitely a place to consider. Two thumbs up from this guy.”
Tim Berthold - Solara Labs, Miami, FL
“The quality and the businesses and just the general willingness
for everybody to cooperate with each other was just extraordinary.”
Doland White - Rapid Crush. Los Angeles, CA
Of course, you have Zero Risk with our Guaranteed to Over-Deliver Promise…
We want you "all-in" and committed to letting us help you grow your business for the next year. When you're part of the family, we go the extra mile to give you the very best care and service possible.
That's why whether you pay on an annual basis or with one of our installment plans, it needs to be a 12 month commitment -- and we will always have your back.
But you need to give it your best effort and it will take a year to do that.
If you end up leaving, we will be sad to see you go...but we know both your membership and renewal are optional. and if you need to cancel, let us know.
“Like Lightning In Your Veins”
Have you ever had an idea for an offer or promotion in your business that filled you with excitement and energy?
It's the kind of excitement that makes sleep optional because you can't wait to start putting everything together.
It’s like LIGHTNING in your veins
It's an amazing feeling right?
That’s a feeling you can get on a regular basis with Titans Xcelerator - a regular massive dose of connection, friendship, wisdom, and fun - EVERY month, heck, let’s make it at least twice a month!
If you understand the value of having access to experts who’ve been where you are and know how to get where you want to be, then Titans Xcelerator should be an easy decision for you.
If you’re on the fence, here’s what I recommend...
Think about where your business was this time last year.
Our next call is coming up...because TXL membership includes live calls almost every week (anywhere from two to four calls a month)... and I’d love to have you on the next one. They are epic. Even if you just want to listen in.
That gives you plenty of time to see if Titans Xcelerator can help your business play a bigger game and reach its full potential.
Don’t Let This Opportunity Slip Away
There is a small group of people still around today who had the honor of working with and being mentored by people like Gene Schwartz, Jim Rutz, Gordon Grossman, Dick Benson and others.
To put it bluntly...many are dead.
Others are retired and just not interested in passing on what they learned from these legends.
But I still have a lot of gas left in the tank...
I’m not retired.
I’m not dead…
And I’m REALLY interested in passing on what I learned from my mentors. I see it as a deep responsibility I take very seriously.
So the value of Titans Xcelerator is something I’ve worked hard to establish and maintain – it’s something I’m really proud of.
Figuring out how to help more people at scale wasn’t easy but it’s worth it.
I could easily charge the total value of at least $28,000 for this. And you know what? People would buy it. More importantly, they’d earn all of that investment back as a result of joining.
But I want to deliver this much value and shock people at the same time with how affordable this is. (Back when we first launched Xcelerator, I actually expected to get a few calls from friends of mine to make sure I’m ok.)
Think of it - most people spend $2,000 on a course and they’re done with it in a couple of weeks. Frankly, most of the time it never even got opened, just gathered dust.
But with Titans Xcelerator, you get a full year of me, my team, my network, along with a thriving community of peers and professionals eager to over-deliver on your behalf.
So don’t delay - try it out today and let’s get started!
Dedicated to Always OVER-Delivering,

Brian Kurtz
PS: When you sign up we will send you a New Member Welcome Package (in the mail) which will include some special gifts:

Limited Time Offer for New Members
Enroll today for just $2,000/yr!

Your price is protected forever for as long as you remain a member.
Once you’re in, you're grandfathered in and your rate will never change, even as we continue to increase the value of Xcelerator, over-delivering on more and more. You’ll never will have to pay a penny more – all because you became part of the family!
Prefer a payment plan? Click here.
PPS… If a payment plan is a better fit for you, you can be a part of Titans Xcelerator for 4 payments of just $500. That means you get access to the
ALL the benefits of being inside the Titans family at a lower initial financial commitment.
Looking for a Payment Plan?

Here are two really good payment plan options.
Join for just FOUR monthly payments of $500
Join for just TWELVE monthly payments of $200

Your price is protected forever for as long as you remain a member.
Once you’re in, you're grandfathered in and your rate will never change, even as we continue to increase the value of Xcelerator, over-delivering on more and more. You’ll never will have to pay a penny more – all because you became part of the family!
Want to Hear Even MORE
From Current Members?
I posted a comment in the group about a business idea. I talked to a member and his advice stopped me making a bad investment saving me $5,298.54. Honestly, if I made that initial investment my loss would have been more. He also gave me insight in the industry and guided me on a better path to possibly making 10X the amount he already saved me.
TXL Member
Jay Abraham walked me through future pacing the guarantee for our launch. Since there were so many factors in the launch I can’t attribute a $ amount to his feedback but we did end up with about 25 more sales than we anticipated (about $37,000)
Molly P.
TXL Member
TXL has many highly accomplished people sharing and contributing. My other mastermind (while terrific) brings the perspectives of just one individual for the most part.
Barry K.
TXL Member
I was chosen as a guest instructor for Dan Lok. They liked me enough to invite me back to do a different assignment. After that I was getting feedback from them like “that was our best copy critique ever” and “the community loves you.” So that was cool! Financially, it was worth less than $2000 - but that more than covers my TXL membership. It also gave me great exposure and helped me improve my on-camera confidence and presentation skills.
Candice L.
TXL Member
Tom Matzen's 'Webinars Are Dead' talk and my discussion with him is going to take my coaching from $50k to a one million within the year
Manuel A.
TXL Member
One TXL meeting that connected me to a guest speaker has directly helped me get 2 clients at 5k each. The speaker even helped me price and package my program
Shane M.
TXL Member
We found an email copywriter in the group. He was able to increase our last coaching promotion by over $17k.
Tom G.
TXL Member
I can say the relationships and my own personal growth has been huge, dollar figure at least 50k! Relationships are priceless!
Sonny T.
TXL Member
There are many, great referrals to quality providers (from attorneys to web developers and all in between. An exact dollar figure is tough here but definitely more than worth the cost in just this. I also got insights from industry pros, the first one that I watched was Fernando's interview and the Agora "bucket" system along with a few other "nuggets" of wisdom from him was worth 10's of thousands to my business alone, not just in the cost savings on what the experience cost WOULD have been to figure this out on my own, but what the ACTUAL cost savings and revenue growth will mean to my business immediately.
The presentation with Bari and Blue will eventually be worth a significant amount of money to me when I can implement, probably not till next year, but my guess is that it will be worth 6 figures to me over time for sure. I would have never looked at this online event business they way they have been able to or without a lot of pain in the middle.
The list goes on for sure. The value for me is well above 10x all day long.
Bill K.
TXL Member
I’ve had a number of TXL members join my daily email and share my content with their followers which has been awesome.
Michael R.
TXL Member
A client hired me from the group... So 2x Return within 6 months.
Colin C.
TXL Member
I've had several transactions through TXL already. Plus we awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to members of Titans XL. Total direct sales so far $195,000 (cash received roughly 25% of that). Well worth it.
Tom M.
TXL Member
Just worked out a partnership with one of the members to help with our marketing - and this is the second week of membership!
Shawn C.
TXL Member
I've had so many "aha's." But some of my favorites have been my hot seats and Q&A's with Brian, Jay Abraham, Parris Lampropolous, Kevin Rogers, and Doberman Dan.
Brian and Jay are "masterful" thinkers. They help me clarify my thoughts. Clear thinking leads to better decisions and actions.
Joshua H.
TXL Member
TXL taught me to focus on renewals instead of initial signups. It has totally transformed my business! We quadrupled our revenue even with COVID being a thing...
Eric A.
TXL Member
TXL gives me access to speakers and trainings I wouldn't get elsewhere! Some of the trainings I've listened to over and over ... and put into practice.
Many of the trainings have helped me with my own business, and also helped me bring more value to my clients.
For example, after hearing Susan Berkley's presentation on voice, I introduced her to one of my clients, Susan created a training for our clients on how to use voice in their webinars.
Nicole P.
TXL Member
Meet the Titans Team Who
Will Be Supporting You in Xcelerator
Chris Mason
is my marketing partner and has worked with me since 2013, when the idea of Titans was just starting to form. A true student of direct response, Chris has offers out in the health and B2B niche currently. He also serves a limited number of direct response clients, writing winning copy and helping them apply the principles of direct response.
Carla Zwaan
has worked at my side since 2015 and is the organizational force behind everything Titans puts out into the world. Carla takes ideas and turns them into reality. She manages and runs all the "behind the scenes" work that goes into Titans Mastermind and Master Class.
We have over 200 members in the group now and I'd love to introduce you to them...
Looking for a Payment Plan?

Here are two really good payment plan options.
Join for just FOUR monthly payments of $500
Join for just TWELVE monthly payments of $200

Your price is protected forever for as long as you remain a member.
Once you’re in, you're grandfathered in and your rate will never change, even as we continue to increase the value of Xcelerator, over-delivering on more and more. You’ll never will have to pay a penny more – all because you became part of the family!
Titans Marketing LLC