Revealed in a private interview with Perry Marshall, get my three most guarded direct marketing secrets for FREE. Just tell me where to send them.

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I love direct marketing.

And because I love it, I have become a “serial direct marketer.”

I also believe that marketing isn’t everything--it’s the only thing. 

There is no other form of advertising that measures everything we do; and with direct response marketing, online and offline, your marketing either works or it doesn’t…and the numbers don’t lie.

It is also the only form of marketing I’ve found that enables you to consistently take the vision that you have for your business, using a multi-channel approach, which enables  you to impact thousands (or even millions) of people to action (instead of dozens).

For nearly 40 years I have followed a specific set of direct marketing principles that helped me build an iconic publishing company to $150 million at its height; and those same principles are currently helping me apply all I have learned and done to everything that is state-of-the-art in marketing today.

I am forever committed to teaching these timeless fundamentals to the next generation of great direct response marketers. 

And the next generation teaches me at the same time.

If you agree with any or all of the above, you’re in the right place.



The core principles of productive direct response marketing are being lost today in the mess of quick-fix social media and branding - and Brian is one of the rare few individuals on this earth that are a true master of the topic.

Robin Robins , Chief Marketing Sensation/CEO and #1 Leading Expert in The World For IT Services Marketing

For more than 40 years Brian Kurtz has quarterbacked some of the most successful product launches and top-tier businesses in the history of direct response marketing. His book Overdeliver reveals the most effective strategies and street-smart secrets he’s learned along the way, as well as golden nuggets of advice he’s gained from the world’s most respected direct response marketing stars in each core specialty. Any one of the gems Brian shares could mean the difference between your next campaign winding up an embarrassing flop or a champagne-popping blockbuster.

Gary Bencivenga , MarketingBullets.com

As would be expected, Brian Kurtz has put together a definitive presentation of direct marketing in Overdeliver. Pros will find it fascinating. Those new to the disciplines will find a vital crash course. Ogilvy was right when he ranted to his own agency's staff that only the mail-order people knew what the hell they were doing, and were Ogilvy alive, he would applaud Brian's work here.


Brian was one of the wunderkinds that practically invented DM publishing in the 1980s, and he was also one of the elder statesmen of the industry that guided its transition from paper to electronic in the 2000s. His capacity to see in his colleagues their best talents and qualities is what has made him such a central and respected person in our industry. His book Overdeliver is a must-read.

Mark Ford , Chief growth strategist at The Agora

Brian has forgotten more about marketing and sales than most newcomers will ever discover.

Frank Kern


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How to Build or Buy a List

How to Find or Create An Offer People Actually Want

How to Hire & Recognize Top notch copywriters & Marketers

How to Test And Measure for Success

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