October 14, 2016

I hate using this blog to rant…I would much rather just teach and share…so please don’t take this week’s video too literally.

However, since you know that one of my core premises is that we always need to play the “long game” and not just look for quick hits (and quick money) with our marketing…and that customer service and fulfillment are clearly marketing functions…I want to share some thoughts with you today about how we sometimes may be a little too loose with our language around marketing.

Creating true impact with our products and services is a responsibility none of us should take lightly…and based on what I know about you, my subscribers, I think today’s video will resonate with you deeply…and I encourage you to share it anywhere you like, especially where there are folks who need to hear this message.

And I would love to know what you think…just leave a comment or send me an e-mail.


P.S. If you haven’t snatched up a copy of my new book…and all of the incredible free bonuses that go with it…what are you waiting for?

To quote from my video this week, the page for my new book, is an awesome welcome mat, it’s total Samurai and 100% congruent…what could be bad with that?

P.P.S. I’m off to the AWAI Bootcamp this week in Delray Beach, Florida…if you are planning to be there, please be sure to stop my and say hi…I’m speaking on Thursday morning and then sitting in on two panels, one on Thursday and one on Friday. Can’t wait! I love the students at AWAI…I always learn so much!

About the author 

Brian Kurtz

  1. Love your short videos and I so agree here!
    Tripwire always feels like cornering the customer instead of leading them to something they want they will help them.

  2. Amen!

    The language people use reveals their attitudes.

    We’ve had a problem with slick operators” in the Internet marketing space for a long time. Direct mail was and is no different, but what made things particularly bad in the Internet space is that many of the slick operators became “educators” – and I put that word in quotes for a reason.

    Direct mail had people like giants like John Caples, David Ogilvy, Max Sackheim, Victor Schwab, Dick Benson, Gene Schwartz and Claude Hopkins to set the stage. I’d include Marty, Brian and the Boardroom team in this category.

    “Gentlemen (and ladies) with brains” was the way Ogilvy described it. People who were razor sharp and intensely ambitious, but who were also always looking for the high road and believed in the long game. ‘

    Direct mail also had strong industry-wide ethical standards. There certainly were people who violated them, but they were treated like pariahs, not industry heroes.

    Unfortunately, this not the case in Internet marketing and I say this as someone who has been involved in the field since before Day One. There are certainly a lot of great players, but we also have more than our share of not-so-great ones.

    If you’re new to Internet marketing (or even if you’ve been around awhile) pay close attention to what Brian is saying here.

    The slick operators who are “geniuses” at extracting money from prospects, but don’t give a damn about them are not the models to follow.

    There’s really no meaningful gray area here. You’re either value oriented or you’re scam oriented. Aggressive marketing is fine – as long as you deliver on your promises and then some.

    If you want a purely mercenary way to look at this, just follow the long arc of the careers – and lives – of people who make their money with trickery. At some point, a huge percentage of them hit their own internal “trip wire” and blow themselves up. (Watch the movie “The Grifters” to see this process dramatized.)

    In contrast, entrepreneurs who focus on creating real value build strong foundations for themselves that just get deeper and broader and stronger as the years go on.

    Playing it straight, caring about your customers outcomes, and delivering massive value for the dollar improves your odds of success exponentially. It also puts you in a community of high quality colleagues and potential partners, which is a tremendous value all by itself.

  3. Hi, Brian!

    Great thinking (as usual). I never did like the term “trip wire”… so I refused to use the term in my publishing company.

    We came-up with an alternative term that I love a lot — instead of “trip wire”… I choose to call it:

    “A Lifeline”

    So the thinking goes from a negative connotation immediately to a POSITIVE expectation… “Let’s throw the prospect a LIFELINE and assist them, help them, and bless their lives with it!”

    You like? Feel free to “steal” it from me! lol

    With Much Love and Gratitude,
    Brian Keith Voiles

  4. Hi Brian,

    Excellent! I loved the fact that you defined those terms. Obviously being new to marketing I really appreciate, as it is in you style, to promote concruit marketing. I love your video presentation rather than reading. As an old lady said to me, “John, I want I want to see the whites of your eyes when I talk to you

  5. THANK you, Brian! I have ALWAYS thought “ninja” was such a stupid term to use in marketing. I hadn’t previously given “tripwire” much thought when I used it … but I definitely prefer a “Welcome mat”. Gonna start using that one immediately. 🙂

    All the best to you, Brian!

  6. Hi Brian,

    You know me well enough to expect that I totally agree with what you wrote. Here is an additional thought: the irony is that the real “tripwire” happens to everyone who tries to tripwire human beings who are walking around with the signal WIIFM. And so, if a marketer is only in it for themselves, we the customer are the ones who will actually blow up someone, whether it be with the silence of “I’ll never buy again” or the viral grenade of truth about someone’s sleaziness.

    Enjoy Florida. Sorry about the Mets.

    Respect and admiration,


    P.S. My seminar at Kevin Hogan’s Boot Camp in Vegas was very well received. I
    spread your name and spoke highly of you to Kevin.

  7. Brian…always appreciate your wise thoughts and POV. It starts my week out on the right foot. Off the the DMA today…it won’t be the same without you! Enjoy AWAI!

  8. Brian, excellent point – the words we use to describe what we do indeed matter. Love the term “Samurai” as it indeed shifts focus from “deadly skillset” to “power with honor.”

    One thing I DO like about “tripwire” is that it implies “event takes place, reaction happens.” The term “Welcome mat” has the right emotional gestalt, but it seems a bit passive to me at least.

    Hence I hereby suggest “doorbell” – because when that doorbell rings, you have to think and respond… open the door, stay glued to the couch, or grab a shotgun to scare off unwanted peddlers of goods, services, or ideas… a doorbell definitely triggers both thought and action.

    Thanks again Brian for the insight. Have a great week!

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