After telling you a few weeks ago that “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” and attributing that quote to our old friend “Direct Mail” and not Mark Twain, I wanted to follow that up with some video to make you laugh (and hopefully not make you cry!) this Sunday morning.
I am presenting a “10 Minute Talk” this week at Joe Polish’s Genius Network Mastermind on this very subject…couldn’t help thinking about this scene from one of my favorite movies of all time, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
If you have no idea about the film or what I am talking about in the subject line, watch the scene by clicking here…and I recommend you watch this entire film when you get a chance which is on almost every list of “best comedy films of all time.”
But what does that have to do with direct mail?
Well, like the person who is “not quite dead yet” in the clip, we can say the same for direct mail…
For the post this week—since I am with my good friend Joe as I write this—I want to share with you a video interview we did a couple of years ago for his “I Love Marketing” podcast series.
It’s an interview Joe and I are especially proud of…and might make you a believer to not “bring out your dead” just yet.
It’s as timely as ever.
Some things you will learn in this video:
* The type of direct mail letter you can send to your prospects and customers right now to create customers for life
* A strategy where the more money you lose, the richer you could get
* The 3 most important criteria when evaluating a list
* The smartest thing you can do to double (or even triple) your revenues this year
* One of the most effective ways to sell high-priced products and services to high-ticket buyers
* The #1 way to get noticed, get attention, and get an advantage over competitors in the 21st century
* How to pre-screen lists so you can find customers who buy more from you and your business
* The simplest way to improve rapport, connection, and longevity with your customers
* The ‘O to O to O’ strategy used by smart entrepreneurs that increases your conversions and your cash flow
* If you’re a successful business owner, how to add another $1M in revenue using direct mail
Let me know what you think.
P.S. Getting closer on having printed copies of the new edition of Breakthrough Advertising…printer is telling me two weeks…get ready!