Beginning February 1st (through February 8th), the Do Good and Make Money Super Summit is taking place on a computer near you…hopefully yours. 🙂
It’s a wonderful Summit with 75+ speakers sharing wisdom that I think is among the most valuable for marketers…on how to be benevolent, generous and caring while not apologizing for making money in the process.
It’s a Summit for nonprofit and for profit companies alike.
That’s why I consented to participate for the second year and wanted to tell you about it.
One of the beauties of this Summit is that you will hear speakers you don’t usually hear and many you have never heard of…with messages that will definitely inspire you.
And there are some of the usual suspects as well who want to hang around in places like this Summit (including me).
Click here for free access to all of the presentations you can listen to live.
There is an offer to buy the recordings as well which is totally optional and which I get nothing for if you buy…it’s a convenience for you.
I encourage you to register and catch whatever you can…you’ll be doing something good.