April 2, 2023

When you stop being curious, you start to age.

-Sean Stephenson #Sean365
Sean Stephenson Legacy

Can we learn to be curious?

Or is it something we are born with?

I went to the most curious person I know (and a modern-day Socrates), Jay Abraham, to get some insight.

I believe curiosity is the single most important characteristic in assessing one’s intelligence…which leads to knowledge…and ultimately wisdom.

And when I took that to Jay, I think he agreed with me…Jay will never give you a straight answer because he’s far too curious. 🙂

He showed me, rather than told me, the importance of curiosity over intelligence by giving this example (and I am paraphrasing):

I never want to find out my IQ score.

If it’s lower than expected, I will be depressed that it’s not higher.

If it’s higher than expected, I will be disappointed that I am not exploiting everything I have at my disposal, and I must be lazy, not achieving all I can.

I can’t believe he’s not curious enough to find out his IQ score…and that might be the only thing in his life he doesn’t question.

I guess that’s why Jay’s book, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got, is one of those books that stands the test of time by teaching readers to enjoy the “process” of everything.

It’s no coincidence that Enjoy the Process…Because We Know Where It Ends is the title of the book Jay is currently working on.

He’s curious and consistent.

Those two titles formulate the first click on my dial when helping someone on a hot seat (i.e., “what assets do you own right now?”)…or when I enter a consulting assignment.

Assessing your assets is step one.

As I have begun planning my next Titans Mastermind, which takes place April 19-20-21, I’m thinking about the speakers and Titans members who will be attending…and many who have attended in the past.

Jay will be one of them…and I will share a special interview I did with Jay in 2016 in the P.S. which I call, “Riffling with Socrates.”

Thinking back on the past 8 years of Titans events, beginning with “the event of the (last) decade,” Titans of Direct Response 2014 (TODR),I’ve gotten a bit nostalgic…and curious.

I’m not curious about the value created by almost 25 Titans “events” …but I am curious about the value that can be created in the future by building on the last 8 years.

These events have been a parade of the best and the brightest our industry has to offer…not to mention all of the “up-and-comers” who have appeared inside Titans Xcelerator over the past 4 years (my virtual mastermind, the best value in masterminds anywhere).

While everything is locked inside the “Titans Vault,” I have shared much of what’s in there over the years inside this blog (and doing it again today).

I also share valuable (and priceless) videos, swipe files and books with the buyers of my book at OverdeliverBook.com…all still available.

And I’ve shared, and continue to share, from this Vault, with Titans Xcelerator members as part of their membership benefits.

I can’t keep it all to myself and I will continue to share more as the years go on.

But what I am most curious about is, “What’s next?”

And I want to enjoy the process of getting there before the ultimate destination as the title of Jay’s new book eerily predicts.

We’re not just talking about the completion of a project.

The “end” in this case needs to be taken literally. Sorry about that. 🙁

Another speaker at the April Titans Mastermind, and an original Titan, Perry Marshall (and I) have begun spinning some evil plans to hold a 10-year anniversary Titans of Direct Response event in 2024.

It will be a way to relive that original event, updated with new speakers, new technologies (have you heard this stuff about AI?) …and the ability to make new friends (and hug some old ones).

Hey…I’ll hug the new ones too. 🙂

Many of you have written to me over the years asking, “When will you do another BIG Titans event?”

Answer: Fall of 2024.

Here’s your chance to give me your specific thoughts about speakers, agenda and anything else Perry and I should be thinking about.

I promise to take all your suggestions under advisement.

If you were only a gleam in the eye of the direct response industry at the time, and want to see what we did 10 years ago, go to TitansOfDirectResponse.com.

It’s not outdated but “TODR 2024” will need a lot of sprucing up. 🙂

And for the next few weeks leading up to Titans Mastermind, I will share some additional items from “The Vault.”

As mentioned earlier, If you go to OverdeliverBook.com (and buy my book) there are six presentations from Titans of Direct Response 2014 to tease you further:

Plus, the exclusive swipe file Dan Kennedy prepared for the event.

Plus 19 keynote presentations from Jay Abraham.

Plus a full day seminar I did with Perry Marshall in 2013.

Plus, a special PDF of every Gary Bencivenga “Bullet” (his “book” since he never wrote a book).

And a lot more.

Yes, I am feeling nostalgic; but I am also excited (and painfully curious) what the future holds.

First I need to focus on the task at hand…Titans Mastermind in a few weeks…but stay tuned for some additional withdrawals from the Titans Vault and additional insights as I plan the agendas for Titans Mastermind…and TODR 2024.

Stay curious.



P.S. Here’s the interview I did with Jay Abraham.

Having a mentor like him is a blessing…and I never take it for granted.

That he wrote the foreword to Overdeliver (when he rarely, if ever, writes them) is a highlight of my career.

Take a listen if you’ve got the time.

And stay tuned for more from the Titans Vault.

P.P.S. Don’t forget to send me your thoughts about Titans of Direct Response (10th Anniversary edition).

We need to fill up a new (active) vault. 🙂

About the author 

Brian Kurtz

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