August 5, 2018

Many of you have been encouraging me to do more video for these weekly blog posts–and you have also stressed to me that there is nothing to fear even if we can all be somewhat “camera shy” on occasion.

And while video blogs are so much easier to create than writing something new every week, I have to admit that I find my videos painful to watch and much more painful than when I just re-read my weekly propaganda.

I guess I really am a copywriter wannabe.

But my trip to Africa which I have told you about the last two weeks (just got home…see the P.S.) forced me to look at my archives for videos I like most since writing something new this week would have been difficult…and the one I call “41% is a Majority” (which I first shared with you during the 2016 U.S. presidential election) is one that is worth sending again.

I have a feeling that many of you have not seen it yet and it’s short…and it explores a topic that I think about almost every day.

Don’t worry…it is not political…but it is about a core marketing principle everyone should be aware of…whether you market online, offline or both.

This topic is also top of mind since I just completed the final draft manuscript of my new book, Overdeliver: Build a Business for a Lifetime Playing the Long Game in Direct Response Marketing —and the topic of this video is one that is a recurring theme in the book.


My editor is putting the finishing touches on the book and cover designs are being worked on as well; and while the full blown launch won’t be happening until early 2019, I promise to send you some sneak previews in the coming months when I think a particular topic could help you right now.

And that brings me to today’s video–which is the tip of the iceberg regarding a critical concept that I reference early and often in the book: Specifically “variations” of the 40/40/20 rule and why it’s such an important starting point as you think about your business and how you market.

Please watch and let me know what you think, especially if you don’t know what I am talking about when I say “the 40/40/20 rule”:


Looking forward to writing to you next week!






P.S. I will write more next week about some lessons I learned the past two weeks traveling in Kenya–where the “Titans of Kenya” classroom was opened at a new school under the direction of an amazing non-profit, Village Impact, which is run by my good friends Amy and Stu McLaren.

While I wanted to put a copy of Breakthrough Advertising on every desk in that classroom, that will have to wait.

For now I will just soak in the gratefulness of these beautiful children–something that will stay with me forever whether any of them will ever study marketing or copywriting.



That’s my wife Robin front and center…she’s a former teacher so this was especially near and dear to her heart.

We were tempted to stay longer to teach something useful but we ran out of time…so we will be back!

Next week I will talk about what we were able to share with these kids–although they had way more to share with us–and teach us about gratefulness than I ever thought possible.

About the author 

Brian Kurtz

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