July 21, 2018

In honor of France winning the World Cup in soccer, I wanted to share three (3) short videos with you that I recorded with my friend, “The French Marketer,” Sebastien Night.

Sebastien has hosted some of the largest marketing events in France (ever) and he is recognized as one of the leading online marketers in the world…in any language and in any country.

I had the privilege of speaking at two of his events in the past and I wrote “Come for the information; stay for the inspiration” in 2014 about my first, and very memorable, experience speaking on his stage in Paris.

In preparation for my second appearance in Paris a year later, Sebastien and I did three interviews where we talked about our favorite marketing books, some huge mistakes we made in our careers (that made us bigger and stronger) and also a lot about how to build in a sustainable system for continuous improvement in our businesses.

I hope you will watch them and send me your thoughts on any or all of the topics we cover.

And don’t worry, it’s all in English…






P.S. As you are reading this, I am in Kenya attending the opening of a school funded by Village Impact…check out their site…amazing organization. I will tell you more about that experience when I return home.

And if you missed last week’s post about the importance of “doing it and then teaching it,” please read, “A philosopher, a warrior and a direct marketer walked into a bar…”

About the author 

Brian Kurtz

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