I’m a podcast junkie.
And until very recently I let everyone else do the podcast building and I just sat back as a guest on over 200 of them, spreading my “marketing and copywriting propaganda.”
Then I looked up the definition of propaganda:
- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
- a committee of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church responsible for foreign missions, founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.
Maybe I need to rethink using this term when discussing what I share with the world…although I love the oxymoron of “useful propaganda,” without the “misleading” part.
Or…maybe I can study to become part of the “propaganda of cardinals…resposible for foreign missions.”
I do love to travel.
However, I think I have a better chance of making the case for useful propaganda than becoming the first Jewish cardinal. 🙂
Regardless, keeping my propaganda useful is something I wear as a badge of honor.
Today’s post is about more than just useful propaganda…it’s about “useful repurposing” …which could also be interpreted as an oxymoron…but it’s not…which this post will (hopefully) prove.
Regardless, I’d also like to copyright it.
I was also going to call this post, “useful incest.” because the podcast industry is all about referability…who recommends who…and everyone is mingling with everyone else.
Regardless of gene pools.
“Useful incest” is a more unnerving oxymoron…sorry. 🙁
And it’s one I will pass on seeking a copyright.
All of this to say that I had the privilege of being on two podcasts recently that are all about “daring to prepare.”
That is, podcast hosts who take a keen interest in their guests, complete with warm welcomes and generous introductions…with the bonus (which should be an expectation and not a bonus) that they do intense research on their guests as well.
It’s no wonder that the two hosts in question (and there are others like them, although these hosts are a minority) also screen their guests and they don’t rubber stamp anyone to be a guest.
It beats the usual:
“Let’s just make this a casual conversation and see where it goes.”
Which always leads to either a lot of dead air…or in my case, diarrhea of the mouth, trying to fill every second of dead air, because the podcast host only had one broad question on his or her agenda…with no backup plan because they knew virtually nothing about me.
Those podcasts aren’t necessarily bad…if the audience is ready for tangents ready to happen…rather than an insightful interview, curated through the host’s research.
Both can work…but as a guest, I like to be guided…which also creates guardrails.
Guidance with guardrails always leads to new insights for both me and the host.
It may depend on the guest on which they prefer…freewheeling vs. researched…but for me it’s not even close.
Without some structure (through research in advance by the host), it seems like I’m simply regurgitating my greatest hits…new for some…potentially tiresome for others.
I believe the two I recently appeared on got some “new stuff” out of me and I will share links to both in the P.S.
You can tell me how I did…but more importantly, study the hosts.
One read my book cover-to-cover to prepare; the other did a deep dive on The Google, LinkedIn, Facebook…and even interviewed others about me in advance of his interview with me.
Yes…that really happened.
It made me realize that if I ever want to do my own podcast (intentional foreshadowing), this is the only way to do it.
Additionally, because these two hosts are super special humans, and they know it (not out of ego but in terms of the contributions they make), the fact that I reached out to them to be on their podcasts, after hearing about them from folks I know and trust, kind of says it all.
It’s a version of the guest having some skin in the game.
And frankly, given what I heard about these two hosts in advance, I would have paid to be on their podcasts.
You don’t need to tell them that…I already have. 🙂
So…after doing those 200+ podcasts, it’s time to launch one of my own.
But unless I can do it with the kind of research and preparation necessary for maximum impact (and no dead air), I won’t do it.
I am doing a soft launch…or what I am calling my “poor man’s podcast.”
It’s called Timeless Marketing…and to test the premise, I have gone into my “Titans Vault” …which includes 8 years of Titans Mastermind and 5 years of Titans Xcelerator meetings and calls…and I’m pulling out some of the best speakers, interviews, and “performances” …and converting them into 10 podcast episodes.
I feel good about this plan because I dared to prepare for every one of those speakers, some of whom are long-time colleagues and friends, who I was able to go deep with…and some were new mentors who I did intense research and due diligence in advance.
That enabled me to go deep with the newbies as well.
Those new mentors then became colleagues and friends.
Funny/not funny how that works.
This feels like a great way to dip my toe in the podcast waters…keeping to the premise of not simply engaging in casual conversation…and using the 13 years of top shelf content I already own and adapting it to this exciting medium.
There’s a lot more than the first 10 being planned…assuming this “quick-start-podcast-plan” has legs.
And for the first 10, there are “O.G.’s” like Dan Kennedy, Perry Marshall, Ryan Lee, Ray Edwards, Joe Polish, Ben Settle; and some “N.G.’s” (“New Gangsters”) like Liana Ling and Joel Erway.
The long-term plan is to create new Timeless Marketing episodes when I determine that I have the time and inclination to create episodes that will be equally impactful…ones that I can prepare for thoroughly.
Jay Abraham would be proud of this plan:
I’m getting everything I can out of all I’ve got…before jumping headfirst into the deep end.
As a sneak preview, exclusively for my online family, I want to share episode #1with you today, which is my interview with Dan Kennedy, after he launched his most recent book.
You will be among the first to listen to it.
Consider it a “final draft.”
I’d love your feedback, both the good news and the bad news.
With this thought in mind:
“Useful podcast” can never be an oxymoron. 🙂
P.S. Below are links to the two podcasts I discussed above…from hosts who did the work in advance…and I had to work (proactively) to get on their podcasts.
And I’m glad I did…because I learned how podcasts should be done…which has inspired me to start my own (finally).
- Douglas Burdett is a curious reader and a whole lot more.
In his bio, he says:
I’m committing my final working years to help companies stop hemorrhaging money on ineffective marketing that does not lead to sales and business growth.
And the number one reason why companies waste time and money on useless, random acts of marketing that don’t lead to sales is that they don’t have a strategy.
To do that, he launched, The Marketing Book Podcast, and he reads every book of the authors he interviews cover-to-cover…and then his curiosity takes over.
In his interview with me, he asked questions from my book, Overdeliver, that I can safely say that no one has ever asked me on a podcast.
Which then led to a “structured spontaneous” conversation.
That’s another oxymoron I can get behind. 🙂
And it was because of Doug’s total preparation and deep research.
Take a listen…not just for the content but also for the host’s questions…and why he is obsessed with books about marketing.
- Brandon Fong is a curious entrepreneur…and for someone who is only 28 years old, he is wise beyond his years.
Equally powerful to Douglas despite being close to 40 years his junior (and I don’t know how old Doug is, but Doug admitted that he is closer to his “final working years” than not).
Brandon is literally just getting started.
He created a Zoom birthday party last week…which he called “Curiosity Island” …and there were seasoned veterans all over the screen…people anyone in our space would know as experts and rock stars.
How did he do that?
Research, preparation and being selective on who appears on his podcast seems to be the starting point and his basic formula…in addition to staying humble… and asking good questions.
His podcast is aptly titled, Beyond Curious.
It has led to creating enviable relationship capital in less than a decade of work.
I saw him in action during our interview…and again during his birthday party.
When I was 28, I was called a “Strategic Schmoozer” by a trade magazine in an article about people to watch…a “30 under 30” piece…and it propelled me to a life of contribution (to connect).
No one wants to be labelled a “schmoozer.” Which I was not.
That’s even worse than a “networker.” 🙁
But someone thought I was (and it was the author of the article).
That was enough for me to change my ways, whether the author was off base or not.
A schmoozer/networker collects people; a contributor/connector goes deep with people.
Brandon’s motivation to not be a “schmoozer” probably came from another source…and way before his 28th birthday.
Whatever it was and whenever it occurred, I’m happy to have Brandon in my life.
See him in action interviewing me here.
P.P.S. And don’t forget to check out the initial episode of Timeless Marketing with Dan Kennedy.
The page includes a summary, links to resources mentioned during the podcast, a transcript…with audio and video of my interview with Dan.
I’d love your feedback.
Dan didn’t appear in video, but I think the content is exquisite…Dan never disappoints.
Future podcasts will include video of the guests.
And while I’m no Doug Burdett or Brandon Fong…yet…they are now my podcast role models. 🙂