February 20, 2014

I love Valentine’s Day.

First, because it’s one of those “holidays” where it’s all about love…which to me is the “kissing cousin” (pun intended) of being grateful for all the wonderful people in our lives.

Truth be told, I should be a Hallmark stockholder on February 14th…I send cards to every female in my life (plus my nephew Seth who my daughter and I dressed up as a girl when he was 5–he’s 19 now)…and I know he hates getting a Valentine’s Card from Uncle B.

Too bad for him! But I love that kid…:-)

Also–Valentine’s Day is the birthday of the most influential personal and business mentor in my lifetime, Marty Edelston, who passed away last October.

It is no accident that the man with the biggest heart in the world was born on February 14th…

I am using this special day to kick off what will be a weekly e-mail to you…and each week I will send a special quote that has resonated with me and I hope these quotes will resonate with you too.

The quotes may be about direct marketing…or they may be about business…or just about some general observations about life…but Marty taught me that we are all happiest when “our work is our play”…oops…that’s another quote for another day! 🙂

Marty also always said, “You only go through life once so you might as well be the world’s best.”

I hope my weekly quotes inspire you to live by that credo…

Today’s quote:

“I love everyone because as soon as I don’t love you, you own me” tweet this

         -Sean Stephenson, Psychotherapist, Author and Internationally Known Speaker

The lesson in this quote is simple: When we spend our energy not loving someone, we willingly hand over our power (and more than likely, our confidence) to them.

BUT if we work on eliminating the things in ourselves that keep us from loving others, what’s left is just love and gratefulness (and more confidence!).

So now make it an awesome Valentine’s Day!

And a bonus quote from the great Stephen Stills: “Love the one you’re with!”

With love and gratitude (until next week),


About the author 

Brian Kurtz

  1. Brian,
    I recently started receiving your emails and that is how I got to this post. I love it and so true. In the short time that I’ve been exposed to your communications, I see how much you truly loved Marty. We would all be lucky to have a friendship like your and Marty’s.

    Thank you for sharing a part of your life.

    Will Shane

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